Thursday, August 25, 2011

Innovative research

“Research is an expression of faith in the possibility of progress. The drive that leads scholars to study a topic has to include the belief that new things can be discovered, that newer can be better, and that greater depth of understanding is achievable. Research, especially academic research, is a form of optimism about the human condition.” -- Henry Rosovsky

This quote by Henry Rosovsky was used by Joe DeSimone in a recent presentation, and it nicely describes the relationship between research and innovation. At a research university like Carolina, they are inseparable. Research is the foundation for our change-making innovations, and a university that accelerates innovations regularly puts important research to use. A quick scan around campus produced some diverse and exciting examples of the ways that Carolina faculty and students are demonstrating the 'possibility of progress' through their work: 

  • A RENCI research software developer creates tool to map the reach of UNC's research impact 
  • Making surprising connections, an undergraduate researcher explores music as therapy for chronic pain
  • At Kenan-Flagler Business School, a researcher looks at the science behind high-performing teams
  • And in the evolutionary battle between plants and the diseases that threaten them, flora gets the upper hand thanks to new research techniques.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hot summer innovations

It's August first, and, with the hot temperatures outside I thought we could use some cool innovation news from on campus and around the globe:

-Innovating to solve the world’s biggest problems? UNC wins $32 million federal grant to eradicate AIDS.

-UNC hosts camp that helps young entrepreneurs build "app"-titude:

 -Fostering community innovation is critical to our own innovation pipeline.  Carolina joins a national collaboration to make that possible.

-UNC Entrepreneur in Residence and Huffington Post blogger Buck Goldstein scopes out Google’s secret to creating an innovative environment: foster joy and curiosity:

-And 30 years ago, their innovation forever changed how we “listen” to music: Happy Birthday MTV.
